Neo Minya Postal Codes (مدينة المنيا الجديدة)

Neo Minya Postcodes, Postal Codes, ZIP Codes, PIN Code and Elevation.

Neo Minya is a place in المنيا, Egypt. The Postal code of the place is 61754, The Time zone is Africa/Cairo and The UTC is +02:00, Daylight saving time is not practiced here. The classification of this place is town.

Name Neo Minya (مدينة المنيا الجديدة)
Postal Code 61754
County New Minya
State Minya
Latitude 28.110025
Longitude 30.789833
Elevation 135 m
Map View map
Time zone Africa/Cairo

Postal Codes in New Minya

Name Postal Code County
Neo Minya 61754 New Minya

Neo Minya is a place in New Minya, Minya, Egypt. The Postal code of Neo Minya is 61754. We also provide a corresponding map on which you can view information about the area.

New Minya