Madinat As-Slom Postal Codes (مدينة السلوم)

Madinat As-Slom Postcodes, Postal Codes, ZIP Codes, PIN Code and Elevation.

Madinat As-Slom is a place in مطروح, Egypt. The Postal code of the place is 51712, The Time zone is Africa/Cairo and The UTC is +02:00, Daylight saving time is not practiced here. The classification of this place is town.

Name Madinat As-Slom (مدينة السلوم)
Postal Code 51712
County Salloum
State Matrouh
Latitude 31.583703
Longitude 25.148174
Elevation 172 m
Map View map
Time zone Africa/Cairo

Postal Codes in Salloum

Name Postal Code County
Zaoyah Alahdab 51712 Salloum
Soala Smalos 51712 Salloum
Sidi Mer 51712 Salloum
Sfrzn - Sfrjl 51712 Salloum
Ramleh 51712 Salloum
Orayqib 51712 Salloum
Madinat As-Slom 51712 Salloum
Hlfayah 51712 Salloum
Hbath 51712 Salloum
Ghot Msad 51712 Salloum
Ghot Alnjh 51712 Salloum
Bqebq 51712 Salloum
As-Sboyat 51712 Salloum
Arqyt Osyl Hamd 51712 Salloum
Aojryn 51712 Salloum
Al-Sabil 51712 Salloum
Al-Qtarh 51712 Salloum
Al-Qart - Al-Jarh 51712 Salloum
Al-Khuriqat 51712 Salloum
Abu Zrybeh 51712 Salloum
Abu Alslyqh 51712 Salloum

Madinat As-Slom is a place in Salloum, Matrouh, Egypt. The Postal code of Madinat As-Slom is 51712. We also provide a corresponding map on which you can view information about the area.
