Abu Zrybeh Postal Codes (أبو زريبة)

Abu Zrybeh Postcodes, Postal Codes, ZIP Codes, PIN Code and Elevation.

Abu Zrybeh is a place in مطروح, Egypt. The Postal code of the place is 51712, The Time zone is Africa/Cairo and The UTC is +02:00, Daylight saving time is not practiced here. The classification of this place is town.

Name Abu Zrybeh (أبو زريبة)
Postal Code 51712
County Salloum
State Matrouh
Latitude 31.481047
Longitude 25.335457
Elevation 1 m
Map View map
Time zone Africa/Cairo

Postal Codes in Salloum

Name Postal Code County
Zaoyah Alahdab 51712 Salloum
Soala Smalos 51712 Salloum
Sidi Mer 51712 Salloum
Sfrzn - Sfrjl 51712 Salloum
Ramleh 51712 Salloum
Orayqib 51712 Salloum
Madinat As-Slom 51712 Salloum
Hlfayah 51712 Salloum
Hbath 51712 Salloum
Ghot Msad 51712 Salloum
Ghot Alnjh 51712 Salloum
Bqebq 51712 Salloum
As-Sboyat 51712 Salloum
Arqyt Osyl Hamd 51712 Salloum
Aojryn 51712 Salloum
Al-Sabil 51712 Salloum
Al-Qtarh 51712 Salloum
Al-Qart - Al-Jarh 51712 Salloum
Al-Khuriqat 51712 Salloum
Abu Zrybeh 51712 Salloum
Abu Alslyqh 51712 Salloum

Abu Zrybeh is a place in Salloum, Matrouh, Egypt. The Postal code of Abu Zrybeh is 51712. We also provide a corresponding map on which you can view information about the area.
